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हाथरस हादसे का असर,बर्थडे से पहले वीडियो जारी कर भक्तों से...

Impact of Hathras incident, before the birthday, he released a video and made a big appeal to the devotees, said- worship from home only,...

भूकंप : मध्‍य प्रदेश के खंडवा में महसूस हुए भूकंप के...

Earthquake: Tremors of earthquake felt in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, people ran out of their houses in fear after the earth shook, sound like bomb...

पांच बच्चे सहित सात की मौत….श्रद्धालुओ से भरी नाव नदी में...

Seven people including five children died.... A boat full of devotees capsized in the river, a major accident in Sheopur, श्योपुर। मध्यप्रदेश के श्योपुर में...

मासूम भतीजियों के साथ-साथ पूरे परिवार को किया खत्म, एक ही...

The accused killed his entire family including his innocent nieces, after killing 8 members of the same family he committed suicide by hanging himself… मध्य...

कांग्रेस नेता का बयान, बोले-हमारी सरकार बनी तो…जिनकी दो पत्नी, उसे...

Congress leader's statement, said - If our government is formed...he who has two wives will get Rs 2 lakh... मध्यप्रदेश में कांग्रेस नेता के दो...

महिलाओं ने ही महिला के साथ किया दुर्व्यवहार,एक महिला के कपड़े...

The women themselves misbehaved with the woman, a woman was stripped of her clothes and paraded around the village, people kept making videos मध्य प्रदेश...

स्कूल में खेलते वक्त हुआ झगड़ा , राउंडर से स्टूडेंट के...

A fight broke out while playing in the school, the student was hit 108 times with a rounder, the police were stunned. मध्य प्रदेश के...